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A Harsh Reality: Dr. James O'Dea on school shootings
In this episode, Hartford HealthCare’s Steve Coates talks with Dr. James O’Dea, Vice President of Hartford HealthCare’s Behavioral Health Network, about how the past few years – living in a pandemic environment simmering with isolation and social disruption - is putting our youth under great stress – and potentially at great risk. Here’s Steve Coates.
Dr. O'Dea helps us to identify red flags we all need to be watching for.
Please check the links in this episode for important resources and support – for parents, for youth, and for anyone who may either feel at risk or know someone who might be.
Also, be sure to follow and share Hartford HealthCare’s podcast for more episodes on a wide range of health topics. Just search “Hartford HealthCare” on your favorite platform.
Related article:
These Red flags Missed Prior to Michigan School Shooting
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